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Belo Horizonte
Belo Horizonte is the capital of Minas Gerais, a state in southeastern Brazil. It is a modern and vibrant city, with a rich cultural and gastronomic scene. Belo Horizonte is a great destination for travelers who want to experience a different side of Brazil. It offers a variety of attractions, activities and flavors that will make your trip unforgettable.

Encuentra el mejor vuelo a Belo Horizonte



Note that a lot of places including museums, the parque municipal and the Mangueira park are closed on mondays.
Pampulha - This 1940's neighborhood has some of the highlights of Brazil modern architecture, including the São Francisco de Assis Church. The building is not shocking by itself, until you realize it was meant to be a church. Not surprisingly, the Catholic Church refused to consecrate it for more than one decade. Next to the church, there's the Parque Guanabara, an amusement park that is small, but worth visiting. In Pampulha lies the world-famous Iate Tenis Clube, founded along with the Pampulha Architectural Complex designed by Oscar Niemeyer. Invitations to the club can be bought at the place (they are free if you know someone affiliated to the club).
Mangabeiras Park - This is an amazing place for nature lovers, a place where the Cerrado mixes with the Atlantic Forest, this is a great visit for children and family.
Praça da Liberdade - A beautiful palm tree-lined square, sidelined by interesting buildings from the 19th century, including the historic seat of the State Government, and a curvaceous (yes, you can use this word to describe an Oscar Niemeyer building) edifice from the 60s.
Museum of Arts and Crafts - Praça Rui Barbosa, Centro. (31) 3248-8600 ([mailto:info@mao.org.br info@mao.org.br]). Tue, Thu, Fri noon to 7pm. Wed, noon to 9pm. Sat, Sun, 11am to 5 pm. Groups: daily, from 9am-noon. The Museu de Artes e Ofícios is installed in the 19th Century buildings of the former Central Train Station. Its collection shows the richness of Brazilian popular work and professions before the country's industrialization. Admission: R$ 4. Saturday - free.
Alta Vila Tower - Located in the district of Nova Lima, (Belo Horizonte city Metro area), this tower offers a spectacular view of Belo Horizonte and its surrounding mountains. On the main floor is the Hard Rock Cafe - Belo Horizonte.
Parque Municipal - An oasis of green right in the centre of downtown. Based on French parks, it has small lagoons where you can rent a boat or feed the ducks. It has the Casa Maluca (Crazy House), the Casa dos Pneus and a small amusement park - three places where children always like to play.
Museu de Ciencias Naturais - Take the Metro to the Gameleira station, go NW to the PUC campus, and turn right. Diverse mollusks, whales, and Brazilian forest animals. A new exhibit is under construction. Admission: R$ 3.
Museu Histórico Abílio Barreto - Av Prudente de Morais, 135 - Cidade Jardim Neighborhood - (0xx)31 3342-1268‎ - This museum is dedicated to the history of the city and was created in the only standing farmhouse from the old Curral d'El Rey, farmland replaced by the new planned city.

Discover the Charm of Belo Horizonte: Southeast Brazil's Best Kept Secret

Discover the vibrant culture, stunning architecture, and delicious cuisine of Belo Horizonte, Brazil's hidden gem in the Southeast. Plan your trip and explore this unique destination now!

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